Sunday, February 28, 2010

Made the dreaded first payment yesterday

Thank god for the federal subsidy. If there is yet another reason to ramp up my job search even more than it already is, this is it.

On a personal note, my wife is considered full term as of tomorrow. We are both hoping that she goes the full 3 weeks however.

Trying to stay positive the fact that on Tuesday it will be almost 2 months. But if there is one thing I have finally come to grips with, it is the fact that eventually I will not only find what it is I want to do, but more importantly find the company with the right people to do it with and for the right kinds of customers to do it for.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's been awhile, but it's good due to being busy

The last couple weeks have been pretty busy between career fairs, networking talks and job interviews.

Right now as it stands I have a solid 2-3 job opportunities available in which I have interviewed for. One job I have a 3rd interview upcoming, another job I interviewed with on Tuesday and they want me to come back next week for a 2nd, and the third job I just interviewed with.

Today was an off day of sorts which allowed me to catch up with others. I am actually in the midst of aiding a Venture Capitalist on doing some Marketing Research as it relates to Social Media as it relates to one particular field in how it can be used and benefited.

Another career fair next week this time for prospective MBA's as well as a couple lunch interviews with Bentley contacts within organizations I am looking to get into.

Doing what I can in stride to survive. I just hope I don't crash and burn in the end.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finally a snowstorm that hits on target.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

1 month in the books

I can't believe 1 month has passed since being let go. So much has changed, but at the same time I haven't seen much activity in terms of response to what I have looked at.

I think what's bothering me most about this is the fact that that things that I especially enjoyed doing when I was employed such as working out has fallen by the way side during this. This is the absolute worst time for me to do this and at the same time this is the best time for me to take advantage to optimize my workouts. On a normal workweek I was working out 4-5 times a week. Since I was laid off, I have only been to the gym 5 times total. I need to stop this and I need to stop it now.

It also seems like to me that on days that I do work out that a job opportunity develops and presents itself. I have to go along with the mindset that "by working out things will start working out."

But speaking from experience, getting out of that mindset and into that rountine is the hardest thing to do. I know I can do it, but I'm having a hard time actually breaking out and going back to it.