Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's been awhile but going forward I'm ramping things up

It's been awhile since I posted here. So long in fact that the last time I posted something here my wife was still pregnant with our first child.

Amazing how much has changed since then. You really learn what is important and what isn't once you have a child and become a parent.

For me professionally it is just something that is going to motivate and drive me even more to do whatever it takes to get to the position I want to be in that is sustainable and will give me much fulfillment and satisfaction.

So going forward this will not be as much on the what to do amidst a layoff, although I will on occasion post things here and there, but more so this is about surviving and striving in life, taking whatever is handed to you and making something out of it.

As the saying goes, when handed lemons make lemonade....well I hope everyone is thirsty!